All the leaves are brown, and CryptoUniverse is officially in an autumn sale mode! Here’s what has been changed:
- Our new cloud mining promo contracts: Harvest – $19.9 for 1Th/s, mining starts Oct 25; and Gather – $20.9 for 1Th/s, mining starts Oct 15, are available on our site.
- BTC Prepaid Special 360 and BTC Prepaid Starter 480 contracts prices are now updated. They now cost only $15.90 и $19.90 for 1Th/s.
- If you pay for miner or contract in BTC instead of fiat, you get 7% hashrate bonus instead of a regular 4% hashrate bonus. Let’s say you pay for 100 Th/s in BTC, you get 107 Th/s!
- An ultra special secret promo code is still hidden somewhere on our site, but we’re ready to share it with our lovely subscribers just because we can:
This code gives you -30% discount for BITCOIN 2025. You need to enter this code to the corresponding form during the contract checkout in order to get the discount. The code can be used only once per account!
This autumn is going to be profitable! You buy – we pay.
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Special offer for BTC 2025 contract is back! - Sale 7%
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